American communities have more options than ever for encouraging greener building and development. Many organizations have developed model codes or rating systems that communities can use to develop green building programs or revise building ordinances. Learn about some of the major options, which are listed below. You can view a side-by-side comparison by selecting the checkboxes of options that interest you, then clicking the Compare button below the table.
¹ In the building community, there is no consistent use or definition of the term "standard." EPA uses the term "standard" here in a broad sense to mean "something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example: CRITERION" (Merriam-Webster). EPA uses it as an umbrella term to encompass model codes, rating systems, and other publications that provide criteria for the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings.
² Any standard can be adopted as a voluntary or mandatory program. We indicate here the intent of the authors.