Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention

Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention

Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention, Second Edition is a must-have reference for clinicians completing insurance forms, participating in managed care, or practicing in treatment settings requiring formalized goals and treatment objectives. This practical, hands-on handbook outlines treatment goals and objectives for each type of psychopathology as defined by the diagnostic and statistical manual by the American Psychiatric Association, identifies skill-building resources, and provides samples of all major professional forms.With over 30% new information, this new edition covers a variety of new special assessments including domestic violence, phobias, eating disorders, adult ADHD, and outpatient progress. New skill-building resources focus on surviving holiday blues, improving communication, overcoming shyness, teaching couples to fight "fair", surviving divorce, successful stepfamilies, managing anger, coping with post traumatic stress, and more. Additional professional forms have been added including treatment plans, a brief mental health evaluation, parent's questionnaire, and a contract for providing service for people with no insurance.

Key features Readership

All practicing clinicians or clinicians in training in clinical psychology, consulting psychology, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, independent practice, family psychology, and group psychotherapy

Table of contents

Treatment Planning: Goals, Objectives, and Interventions.
Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence.
Disruptive Behavior Disorders.
Recommendations for Family Members of Anorexic Individuals.
Organic Mental Syndromes and Disorders.
Psychoactive Substance Abuse Disorders.
List of Symptoms Leading to Relapse.
Schizophrenia, Delusional, and Related Psychotic Disorders.
Mood Disorders.
Bipolar Disorder Hypersexuality.
Antidepressant Medication and other Treatment.
Additional Treatment Considerations.
Anxiety Disorders.
Cycle of Anxiety-Provoked Emotional Distress.
Somatoform Disorders.
Dissociative Disorders.
Sexual Disorders.
Adjustment Disorders.
Impulse Control Disorders.
Psychological Factors Affecting Physical Condition.
Personality Disorders.
Physical Factors Affecting Psychological Functioning.
Assessing Special Circumstances
Structured Interview for Depression.
Cycle of Depression.
Cycle of Phobic Anxiety.
Obsessional Disorders: An Overview.
Assessment of Obsessional Disorders (OD).
Gravely Disabled.
Activities of Daily Living.
Chronic Mental Illness (CMI).
Crisis Evaluation.
Crisis Intervention.
Identifying Traumatic Stress.
Traumatic Stress and Ventricular Accidents.
Assessment of Phobic Behavior.
Postpartum Depression and Anxiety.
Professional Guidelines for Crisis Intervention.
Self-Care Behaviors.
Counseling the Individual in a Medical Crisis.
Dealing with the Challenges of Long Term Illness.
Chronic Pain: Assessment and Intervention.
Pain Identification Chart.
Pain Management Scale.
Somatic Problems: A Brief Review.
The Patient with Psychosomatic Illness Who has an Underlying Personality Disorder.
Eating Disorders Screening Questionnaire.
The Mood Eating Scale.
Eating History.
Eating Disorder Evaluation: Anorexia.
Eating Disorder Evaluation: Bulimia.
Adult ADD Screeing.
ADHD Behavioral Review.
Chemical Dependency Assessment.
Chemical Dependency Psychological Assessment.
Withdrawal Symptoms Checklist.
Spousal/Partner Abuse.
The Stage Model of Domestic Violence.
Assessing for Domestic Violence.
Counseling Victims of Domestic Violence.
Child Abuse and Neglect.
Child Custody Evaluation.
Parental Alienation Syndrome.
Evaluation and Disposition Considerations for Families where Parental Alieneation Occurs.
Parental Alienation Syndrome Treatment.
Visitation Rights Report.
Dispositional Review: Foster Placement; Temporary Placement.
Psychiatric Work-Related Disability Evaluation.
Psychological Pre-Employment Evaluation.
Compulsory Psychological Evaluation.
Forensic Evaluation.
Report Outline.
Skill-Building Resources for Increasing Social Competency.
What is Stress?
Stress Management.
Effective Management of Stress.
Tips for Stress Management.
Tips to Simplify Life.
Pain Management.
Some Examples of Individualized Time Management Options.
Self-Care Plan.
How to Get The Most Out of Your Day.
Relaxation Exercises.
Critical Problem Solving.
Problem Solving Diagram.
Assignment 1.
Assignment 2.
Assignment 3.
Components of Effective Communication.
Nonverbal Communication Checklis.
Improving Communication Skills.
Assertive Communication.
Assertiveness Inventory.
Nonverbal Communication.
Goal Development.
Personal Bill of Rights.
Ten Steps for Giving Feedback.
Saying "No".
Accepting "No" for An Answer.
Ten Ways of Responding to Aggression.
The Communication of Difficult Feelings.
Areas of Potential Conflict.
List of Feeling Words.
Time Management.
Some Examples of Individualized Time Management Options.
Decision Making.
Goal Development.
Setting Priorities.
Rational Thinking: Self-Talk, Thought Stopping, and Reframing.
Thinking Distortions.
Realistic Self-Talk.
Practice Reframing How You Interpret Situations.
Defense Mechanisms.
Defense Mechanism Definitions.
Anger Management.
Understanding Anger.
Handling Anger.
Ten Steps for Letting Go of Anger.
Preventing Violence in the Workplace.
How to Handle Angry People.
What Management Can Do to Minimize Employee Stress.
Learning History.
Grief Cycle.
Definition: The Natural Emotional Response to the Loss of a Cherished Idea, Person, or Thing.
History of Loss Graph.
Relationship Graph.
Is Life What You Make It?
Journal Writing.
Developing and Utilizing Social Supports.
How to Build and Keep a Support System.
Recognizing the Stages of Depression.
Managing Depression.
Depression Symptom Checklist.
Surviving the Holiday Blues.
Utilizing Your Support System.
The Power of Positive Attitude.
Self-Monitoring Checklist.
Daily Activity Schedule.
Confronting and Understanding Suicide.
Feeling Overwhelmed and Desperate.
Feeling like Your Life is Out of Control.
Chemical Imbalance.
Low Self-Esteem.
The Self-Esteem Review.
Ten Self-Esteem Boosters.
Affirmations for Building Self-Esteem.
Self-Nurturing: A Component of Self-Esteem.
Characteristics of Low Self-Esteem.
Characteristics of High Self-Esteem.
What Motivates Me?
Standing Upto Shynes.
Bad Memories and Fear.
Seasonal Anniversary of Losses.
Fatigue or Sleep Deprivation.
What is Panic Anxiety?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Managing Anxiety.
Survey of Stress Symptoms.
How Your Body Reacts to Stress and Anxiety.

25 Ways to Relieve Anxiety.
Plan of Action for Dealing with Anxiety.
Relapse—Symptom Reoccurrence.
Warning Signs of Relapse.
Systematic Desensitization.
What is Dementia?
Understanding Schizophrenia.
Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer"s Disease.
Caregiving of Elderly Parents.
Ten Warning Signs of Caregiver Stress.
Sleep Disorders.
Ten Tips for Better Sleep.
Health Inventory.
Assessing Lifestyle and Health.
Assuming the Patient Role: The Benefits of Being Sick.
Improving Your Health.
Heart Disease and Depression.
Eating History.
How to Stop Using Food as a Coping Mechanism.
Preventing Body Weight and Body Image Problems in Children.
Guidelines to Follow if Someone You Know Has An Eating Disorder.
Dealing with Fear.
Guidelines for Family Members/Significant Others of Alcoholic/Chemically Dependent Individual.
Detaching with Love Versus Controlling.
The Enabler—The Companion to the Dysfunctional/Substance-Abusing Person.
Substance Abuse/Dependence Personal Evaluation.
List of Symptoms Leading to Relapse.
What is Codependency?
The Classic Situation.
Some Characteristics of Codependence.
Suggested Diagnostic Criteria for Codependence.
How Does Codependency Work?
Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics.
Guidelines for Completing Your First Step Toward Emotional Health.
Relationship Questionnaire.
Healthy Adult Relationships: Being a Couple.
How to Predict the Potentially Violent Relationship.
Domestic Violence : Safety Planning.
Why Victims of Domestic Violence Struggle with Leaving.
Improved Coping Skills for Happier Couples.
Couple"s Conflict : Rules for Frighting Fair.
Parenting a Healthy Family.
Guiding Your Child to Appropriately Express Anger.
The Family Meeting.
Understanding and Dealing with Life Crises of Childhood.
What Is a Crisis?
What Happens During a Crisis.
Crisis Resolution.
Your Child Mental Health.
Warning Signs of Teen Mental Health Problems.
Talking to Children.
Guidelines for Discipline that Develops Responsibility.
Surviving Divorce.
Successful Stepfamilies.
Helping Children Cope with Scheduling Changes.
Is Your Behavior in the Best Interest of Your Children?
The Rules of Politeness.
Goal Setting.
Ten Rules for Emotional Health.
Professional Practice Forms, Clinical Forms, Business Forms.
Case Formulation.
General Clinical Evaluation.
Treatment Plan.